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 Subject: RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise
Author: The Paranoid (
Date:   08-11-2007 19:06

Since i can't look it up in Chips'n Chips right now - i have
to try and recall what i've read.
I think all STEs accept only 2 ROM chips, providing a total
size of 256KByte.
There were some STs that could either take 2 chips of
96KByte each or 6 Chips of 32KB each - This way, Atari
had the option of using the cheaper ones on a weekly
basis. I think these boards had jumpers indeed.

The Paranoid

 Topics Author  Date
  STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new FatRakoon 08-10-2007 03:22 
   RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new The Paranoid 08-10-2007 12:03 
    RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new FatRakoon 08-10-2007 15:49 
     RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new ggn 08-10-2007 21:06 
      RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new FatRakoon 08-10-2007 21:58 
       RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new The Paranoid 08-11-2007 00:47 
        RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new FatRakoon 08-11-2007 03:07 
         RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new The Paranoid 08-11-2007 14:17 
          RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new FatRakoon 08-11-2007 16:13 
           RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new stimpy 08-11-2007 17:31 
            RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new FatRakoon 08-11-2007 18:50 
             RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new Alexh 08-19-2007 21:47 
              RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new FatRakoon 08-20-2007 22:05 
            RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise  The Paranoid 08-11-2007 19:06 
             RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new stimpy 08-12-2007 12:29 
   RE: STE - Swapping TOS 1.62 to 2.06 Advise new FatRakoon 08-21-2007 04:29 

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