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 Subject: RE: TT keyboard - how do you change dead keys?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   08-16-2007 13:10

My TT had a few dead keys, and it was gettign worse... I tried to clean the thing up and now a whole half of teh keyboard wont play ball.

I ended up buying one of Mario Beecrofts QWERTYX Keyboard / Mouse adapters from Chris at A.S.P

This thing is still going strong however, I found it a tad fussy on the Serial Mice I could use with it, however, I have a really old Genius Mouse that just happens to be the most perfect mouse on the plantet that has never slipped a pixel in the 15 or so years I have had it.... Thats perfect.

My TT Keyboard andt he Mega STE is no way near as high quality as my Mega ST Keyboard was.

The MegaST Keyboard might well have looked older, but as soon as you start to type, you know its a quality bit of kit that no other Atari even comes close to beating.

Shame I dont have it anymore.

 Topics Author  Date
  TT keyboard - how do you change dead keys? new Chandler 08-16-2007 01:02 
   RE: TT keyboard - how do you change dead keys?  FatRakoon 08-16-2007 13:10 
    RE: TT keyboard - how do you change dead keys? new Chandler 08-16-2007 15:17 
   RE: TT keyboard - how do you change dead keys? new Phil 08-17-2007 08:35 

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