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 Subject: RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? )
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   08-29-2007 22:53

>>Frankly, you should start over with a clean boot partition.

Doing that shortly

>>All apps are not 060-friendly, or even fastram friendly for that matter.

The FastRAM issues are not a concern for me. Having owned a PAK68 and 3 TTs, Im confident that FASTRAM issues are easily negotiable.
060 issues are another story.

>>If you get that far, I'm fairly confident that your CT60 is working correctly.

I too am.
Im a bit iffy on the NVRAM errors! - those are a semi-worry

>>You may however experience certain difficulties before you get things running smoothly. The reason for this is that the falcon motherboard is a bad and unstable design

I accept that things never go 100% perfectly, nothing ever does.

>>a problem is "amplified" when using an accellerator such as the CT60.

However, I had heard that the CT60 / CT63 cured a lot of the issues found with the Falcon??

>>The CT6x is also quite picky about power supplies and SDRAMs, which may cause instability or unexpected behaviour.

Yes, the SDRAM I am using right now, is the first stick I tried... Im not convinced its good for it.

The PSU I know is rock steady stable - PCs are me forte' and I dont do crappy, so the PSU is very, very high quality.

>>You might need to patch parts of your motherboard, but everything is described on the Czuba Tech website.

I have a handful of various hardware hacks already on this board... Its second hand for me, so I never knew half of what has been done, and probably never will unless I try traciung eachand every thing on it, so its possible that somethign isnt doing what its supposed to do... or not do.

I have asked Czuba some time ago when I was seriously paranoid ( Still am - and why not with the ammount of money it costs ) about any known issues and he has said that he can take teh Falcon in and make 100% sure the CT63 is fully up and running for me... For a fee of course and this option while looking more unlikely, is still an option I will consider.

I mean, the falcon with its extra bits and now the CT63 has cost me over a grand in total now, so whats a few more quid to make 100% sure that its running EXACTLY as it should be?

See how I fare in teh next few days though cos after all, Ive only had it a day FFS!

 Topics Author  Date
  CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 01:33 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 04:04 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:42 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? )  FatRakoon 08-29-2007 22:53 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-29-2007 23:33 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Anders Eriksson 08-30-2007 17:41 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-30-2007 22:18 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 11:39 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 12:51 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 13:19 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:37 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-31-2007 11:43 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-31-2007 20:59 
            RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-31-2007 21:57 
             RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-01-2007 02:59 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:44 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 22:54 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:34 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 23:01 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-30-2007 11:04 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 12:58 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 11:41 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 13:04 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 13:22 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 20:34 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 21:31 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-01-2007 03:05 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 09-02-2007 12:27 
            RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-03-2007 06:18 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new jens 09-05-2007 10:17 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 09-06-2007 15:38 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-30-2007 21:29 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:48 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-31-2007 11:09 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-31-2007 21:05 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Anders Eriksson 08-30-2007 17:38 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new ToasT 08-30-2007 21:26 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:03 

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