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 Subject: RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? )
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   08-30-2007 22:03

>>You're wrong, the CT63 have CT60 printed on the circuit board, yes a bit confusing but that's the case.

Nah, I put it down to the CT63 being an altered CT60 and obviously therefore using the CT60 Boards.

>>The only practical differencies between the two are...

I see.

>>Likewise with the CPU termometer

So, with the CPX Module, how can I stop it constantly putting the Thermometer ACC onto C:\ and how can I get it to bugger off and stop it tellign me that it needs to restart every time it shows its ugly head?
The CPX Module needs to be re-written to cater for the CT63 and NOT the CT60 with half-compatibility

>>Per default the CTCM in the CT63 is clocked at 66MHz, but with the CT60 CPX you should be able to toggle the CTCM to your preferred frequency (90MHz is what you seem to want). The CPU Rod shipped with CT63 is guarenteed to work at 90MHz, so I guess no problem to do so.

Yes, I see how it is now. I see the little miniature addon etc and I see how they have come up with the 66/90 issues I have.
The thing is, that Im not really all that bothered anymore. 66 is plenty for now, and sure, maybe it is guaranteed to 90, but at this time, thats not a problem.
I was only under the impression that it was at 90Mhz at stock you see, not 66.

Confusion on my part there.

>>you MUST use HDDRIVER 8.13 or later.

Actually I got 8.16 and Im sure that I went back to 7.8 because CuBase Audio has issues with v8...

Damned if I do, damned if I dont?

I tried CuBase Score earlier on and that crashed badly with loads of reg dumps.

>>Use the Xcontrol from the CT63 software package. Ataris original one won't work.

Im using COPS v1.8 - That ok? Should be!

>>To avoid the temperature ACC to be generated, just disable the CPX, the CPX is only useful for when configuring the CT60 anyway.

Yes, I see that. Im not entirely convinced that it actually works as it should on my hardware, because even though sometimes some settings are randomly saved, they dont save after a reboot. Could this be because the CLOCK Battery also stored the CT60 settings too?

>Disable the "delay 5sec cache" feature.

Oh? Ok.

Apart from that, I've had no issues during the four years of active use. It's easily the best hardware add-on I've experienced on the Falcon, and I've had a few :)

My next hardware mod seems a must to be the Clock Battery???

I have seen 2 mods for it... One is a simply adding a battery to 2 of the pins and the others seem to be splitting the bugger ( ARGH! )

Why cant it be like my TT eh? - ATari have to make thign sbloody hard for us all dont they?

Thanks for the help mate.

Thansk to everyone else too who helps out.

 Topics Author  Date
  CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 01:33 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 04:04 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:42 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 22:53 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-29-2007 23:33 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Anders Eriksson 08-30-2007 17:41 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-30-2007 22:18 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 11:39 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 12:51 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 13:19 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:37 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-31-2007 11:43 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-31-2007 20:59 
            RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new The Paranoid 08-31-2007 21:57 
             RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-01-2007 02:59 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:44 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 22:54 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-29-2007 09:34 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-29-2007 23:01 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-30-2007 11:04 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 12:58 
     RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 11:41 
      RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 13:04 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 13:22 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 20:34 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 08-30-2007 21:31 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-01-2007 03:05 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 09-02-2007 12:27 
            RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 09-03-2007 06:18 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new jens 09-05-2007 10:17 
           RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Peter 09-06-2007 15:38 
       RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-30-2007 21:29 
        RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:48 
         RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Miro Kropacek 08-31-2007 11:09 
          RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new FatRakoon 08-31-2007 21:05 
   RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new Anders Eriksson 08-30-2007 17:38 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? ) new ToasT 08-30-2007 21:26 
    RE: CT63 = CT60 ? ( EH? )  FatRakoon 08-30-2007 22:03 

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