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 Subject: RE: SCSI and CD-Rom driver?
Author: The Paranoid (
Date:   10-20-2007 21:22

MetaDOS doesn't autoconfigure itself and doesn't scan
SCSI IDs for suitable drives, instead, it reads a config.sys.

You said you have SCSI Tools and it sees the drive. Then
CD-Tools (by the same company, Hard & Soft) will see it,
too, and generate a suitable config.sys for it.

If you don't have CD-Tools you can hand-edit the config.sys
file yourself, too ...

Does that help you a bit ?

The Paranoid

 Topics Author  Date
  SCSI and CD-Rom driver? new Strider 10-20-2007 19:19 
   RE: SCSI and CD-Rom driver?  The Paranoid 10-20-2007 21:22 
    RE: SCSI and CD-Rom driver? new Strider 10-20-2007 23:31 
     RE: SCSI and CD-Rom driver? new GWiZ 10-21-2007 00:00 
      RE: SCSI and CD-Rom driver? new Strider 10-21-2007 01:11 
       RE: SCSI and CD-Rom driver? new The Paranoid 10-21-2007 13:00 
        RE: SCSI and CD-Rom driver? new Strider 10-21-2007 19:48 

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