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 Subject: RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   02-21-2008 00:10

I was in all honesty half and half.

The thign is, that I run my own business, and busines is business and your in the game to make money.

I have absolutely no problems with that.

Now, sure enough Europe shareware are a business and they too are there to make money and Im ok with that too, but FFS come on! - charging over double?
They're as bad as maplins for the prices.

So sure enough, if they say, plonked a tenner on, then thats fine by be, but thats simply taking the piss asking THAT much.

Still not heard from Anodyne though?

Little annoyed with them, as much as I am getting annoyed at a few Atari supporting companies really... I have recently, with buying another Falcon, a CT63 + 256MB Crucial, an FDI, CuBase Audio, CuBase Score, new VGA screen, More RAM, upped the TT too, thats now got 10MB STRAM and awaiting a new TTRAM setup, and I have £800 set aside purely for my Atari hardware spends over the next few months ( Falcon in a PC Case, Graphics card for TT or Falcon or both even? etc )

And this will put this years spendings ( MAR07 to MAR08 ) on Atari gar alone to just over £2000 !!!!

And yet Im still needing some bits and how quickly do they answer the phone / Reply to Mail or EMails ? - sometime they never bother and they they moan about the lack of support????

Its been like this for years and years and years.

 Topics Author  Date
  BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 02-17-2008 18:08 
   RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new GokMasE 02-17-2008 20:36 
    RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 02-19-2008 00:18 
     RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new J. F. Lemaire 02-19-2008 01:41 
      RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 02-19-2008 04:03 
      RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 02-19-2008 04:26 
       RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new J. F. Lemaire 02-19-2008 22:12 
        RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility  FatRakoon 02-21-2008 00:10 
        RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 02-21-2008 11:31 
   RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new lp 02-17-2008 22:18 
    RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 02-19-2008 04:29 
     RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new lp 02-19-2008 07:21 
      RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 02-20-2008 03:44 
       RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new Peter 03-03-2008 10:25 
        RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 03-05-2008 01:29 
         RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new Peter 03-05-2008 11:32 
          RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 03-05-2008 16:20 
   RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 03-05-2008 01:38 
    RE: BIGDOS - Compatibility new FatRakoon 03-05-2008 04:14 

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