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 Subject: UPDATE : IDE issues now worse than SCSI
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   03-15-2008 15:52

Ok, I have come up with an annoying issues now that I am struggling to avoid.

I have even gone as far as to physically remove the SCSI completely, and I am only using the one IDE device.

I have bought myself 2 new IDE Cables too, and the cables are

1 x 2.5 on both ends
2 x 2.5 on one end, 3.5 on the other

One of the 2.5-3.5 cables I have crimped a new Port lower down in the cable, its about 6 inches now and I have wrapped it in foil, and then cone over it with insulating tape to avoid any kind of shorting.

The cables make absolutely no difference to the issues I am having

The Drives I am using are :-

6GB ( Been using this just fine for the last few months )

10GB ( Also used to be cool and I have planned on copying the 6GB stuff to this to use this one from now on )

Compact Flash - I have 2 solutions to this, a dual adapter and a single

Now, no matter what drive I use, also makes absolutely no difference either except the single CF Card and that one works fine... So, that must contain the answers to my puzzle, but how do I get to it?

Now this is complately weird, but all these devices works great until I went and tried HD Driver 7.8 on the 10GB as a blank HD

Now, previously Iwas only able to gdo 1GB with the Falcon and HDDR8.16 ) but now, using 7.8 I was seeing 2GB Partitions??? - ooh!

So, I went back to 7.8 on the 6GB ( I am doing a few thigns to try to cure my issues and going back to v7 was an option ) and then all of a sudden, I can no longer boot from HD anymore?

It either restarts as soon as the HDDriver message appears, or it bombs out.

The annoying thing here, is that if I bypess boting from the HD, and instead run HDDRiver from the floppies AUTO folder, or from the desktop, its fine.

I just cannot get it to boot from the HD at all? - I have also of course removed the Driver from the HD and doen from fresh with the Floppies driver and I have changed nothing but it just wont go?

 Topics Author  Date
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        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 18:13 
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       RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 09:03 
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         RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 17:49 
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        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 17:59 
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         RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 16:36 
          RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-12-2008 16:56 
           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 21:44 
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    RE: One thread please new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 18:20 
     RE: One thread please new Peter 03-10-2008 18:37 
      RE: One thread please new FatRakoon 03-16-2008 03:27 
    RE: One thread please new Peter 03-10-2008 18:37 
    UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 03:33 
     RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 05:46 
      RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 09:08 
       RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 13:19 
        RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 15:35 
         RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 17:05 
          RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 17:49 
           RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 03:47 
            RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-12-2008 09:43 
            RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-12-2008 09:44 
             RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 16:48 
              RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-12-2008 16:57 
               NVRAM BATTERY new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 21:43 
              RE: UPDATE new J. F. Lemaire 03-12-2008 19:12 
               RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 21:41 
     RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 09:10 
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       RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 19:26 
        RE: UPDATE new Falcon060 03-11-2008 20:11 
         RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 20:42 
          RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 03:56 
   UPDATE : IDE issues now worse than SCSI  FatRakoon 03-15-2008 15:52 
    RE: UPDATE : IDE issues now worse than SCSI new FatRakoon 03-16-2008 03:28 
   CURED? Im touching wood new FatRakoon 03-16-2008 23:56 
    RE: CURED? Im touching wood new Peter 03-17-2008 10:27 
     RE: CURED? Im touching wood new FatRakoon 03-17-2008 13:50 
      UPDATE : GOOD NEWS ( ? ) new FatRakoon 03-20-2008 01:50 
       RE: UPDATE : GOOD NEWS ( ? ) new Miro Kropacek 03-20-2008 10:56 
        RE: UPDATE : GOOD NEWS ( ? ) new Falcon060 03-20-2008 18:01 
         RE: UPDATE : GOOD NEWS ( ? ) new djo 03-20-2008 18:34 
   RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-20-2008 19:21 
    RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-20-2008 21:28 
    RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-20-2008 21:33 
     RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-21-2008 00:29 
      RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-21-2008 10:40 
       RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-21-2008 13:34 
        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-21-2008 15:18 
         RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-21-2008 20:01 
          RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new dj 03-22-2008 17:35 
           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-22-2008 18:59 
           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-22-2008 21:48 
            RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new dj 03-23-2008 01:18 
             KitKat new FatRakoon 03-23-2008 06:02 
            RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new lp 03-23-2008 03:15 
             RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-23-2008 05:57 

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