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 Subject: RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   03-20-2008 19:21

Summary ?

Well, where do I start?

What has actually been the point that it started to work?

I honestly do not know?

Definitely the facts are :-

1 - I have been using HD DRiver 8.16 for a while. This is mainly down to the fact that I have also been using a Compact Flash Adapter & Cards. I am now back on a HD so I could go back to 7.8 if need be, however...

2 - CuBase Audio works great and has done for months under v8.16

3 - The 3 CT63 Programs I have had in the Auto folder for a few months and I have had them loading up whether I use TOS or MAGIC... I have now set them to ONLY load up under Magic.

4 - SCSI STILL HANGS, I feel that this is down to Driver settings.

5 - Most of the problems I have been testing out with GEMVIEW, and like a turd that I am, I suddenly realise that its never going to run right with certain modules. I have stopped running that and its fine.

Again, these made no difference at all to anything with any kind of Immediate effects! - Did they help? I dont know, I had plenty of times where it ran great before all of this and planty of times where it ran badly, but they are done, and so they must at the very least, make it better.

7 - PSU
The PSUs are all good. I have enough to try different variations on it and they are testing out 100% perfect even under load, so I have known that they cannot be any better.

8 - RAM
Again, the RAM Im using right now is the very RAM that Rodolf himself recommends. Being a PC builder, I have access to exactly the right RAM, and I have in stock, a load of different RAM to try out... I have tried over 40 different sticks of RAM with verying levels of success and very few actually make any difference at all!

This one is my next port of call and that is to find out why my CT63 cannot save some of its data when I set it in the CPX Control Panel?
DAY and MONTH get saved, but the year is always 2026.
Boot order is always IDE1-0, SCSI 7-0
Few other things that should get stored but does not.
I need to be sure on this, but if that happens, then that could mean the CT63 isnt working 100% ???

I also have to point out, that when I used the CF Adapter, the Power for that is teh same as the Floppy Power and so I spliced the Floppy power and added a second one... This was ok for the CF Adapter but, the CT alos needed a powerline to it too!
I have since, resorted the Floppy Power back to the one but that now goes to the CT63 and I have squashed the joints so as to make it a firm contact on the pins of the CT63


Now, I cannot say in what order half of that lot was done, because over the pas tcouple of months it has all been done, chopped around and changed in some way or another.

The last time I htought I had it, and I put HDDR7.8 back in and it completely wrecked the whoel lot and I could not cure it at all, and thats when this thread got started.

The biggest chance then this time round that I did not do last time was the 33r Resisitors instead of the Clock Patch and the 47r up there under the floppy Drive.

Anything else?

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           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 21:44 
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    RE: One thread please new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 18:20 
     RE: One thread please new Peter 03-10-2008 18:37 
      RE: One thread please new FatRakoon 03-16-2008 03:27 
    RE: One thread please new Peter 03-10-2008 18:37 
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     RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 05:46 
      RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 09:08 
       RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 13:19 
        RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 15:35 
         RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 17:05 
          RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 17:49 
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   RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues?  FatRakoon 03-20-2008 19:21 
    RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-20-2008 21:28 
    RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-20-2008 21:33 
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       RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-21-2008 13:34 
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         RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-21-2008 20:01 
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           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-22-2008 18:59 
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            RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new lp 03-23-2008 03:15 
             RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-23-2008 05:57 

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