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 Subject: RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   03-21-2008 13:34

>>Dude, you've got it wrong.

No I have not

>>You're supposed to connect the floppy cable from the F030 mainboard to the CT6x.

Yes, and this is what I have done!

>This is necessary since the F030 bus connector does not cater for the 12V supply.

Thats right.

>>You're not supposed to power the CT6x from that connector.

Who said I was doing that?


Once again crossed lines...

I have NOT been tryign to run the CT63 from that connector.

What you just suggested I do, is EXACTLY what I have been doing.


Although as of last night, the Falcon started going stupid again even though I have doen NOTHING to ahcange anything...

First of all, my NVRAM was buggered and I had to INIT it several times.
I then ran the NVRAMCLEAR Program and this helped stop the INIT dialog coming up.
The Time kept changing from 4:00 to 4:16 every few seconds and I would not have noticed this but for LEDPANEL.
And it was booting up in 320x200 all the time.

I have done half a cure, but this time I have had to save to both NVRAM and FLASH to try to get soemthign sorted, but it still wont save half the crap

I proceeded to then trace down each and every pin on the Socket to make sure the contacts are good, and there was only the one pin... This one pin thats bent on the socket does not even have a pin going to it fromthe Dalles/Maxin Chip, so that would make absolutely no difference anyway... I still connected it for peace of mind.

So, after all of this Im back to square one.

This cannot possibly be me, I know now that either my Falcon has an issue, or the CT63 does. I know Im not as up with Atari knowledge as many here, but I also know Im not a tosser either, andthese issues are NOT human error... They cannot be.

Im giving up on the whole thing for a bit cos Im just going crazy all the time.

 Topics Author  Date
  Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-09-2008 03:52 
   RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-09-2008 10:49 
    RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-09-2008 17:49 
     RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-09-2008 18:45 
      RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-09-2008 20:45 
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        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 17:18 
         RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 17:52 
          RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 18:12 
           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 18:14 
       RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 18:00 
        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 18:13 
      RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-09-2008 22:52 
       RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 09:03 
        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 17:39 
         RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 17:49 
          RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 18:16 
      RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new GWiz 03-10-2008 12:32 
       RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 15:47 
        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 17:59 
        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new GWiz 03-10-2008 22:26 
       RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 17:48 
        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-10-2008 17:57 
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         RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 16:36 
          RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-12-2008 16:56 
           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 21:44 
   One thread please new Peter 03-10-2008 18:06 
    RE: One thread please new FatRakoon 03-10-2008 18:20 
     RE: One thread please new Peter 03-10-2008 18:37 
      RE: One thread please new FatRakoon 03-16-2008 03:27 
    RE: One thread please new Peter 03-10-2008 18:37 
    UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 03:33 
     RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 05:46 
      RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 09:08 
       RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 13:19 
        RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 15:35 
         RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-11-2008 17:05 
          RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 17:49 
           RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 03:47 
            RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-12-2008 09:43 
            RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-12-2008 09:44 
             RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 16:48 
              RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-12-2008 16:57 
               NVRAM BATTERY new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 21:43 
              RE: UPDATE new J. F. Lemaire 03-12-2008 19:12 
               RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 21:41 
     RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 09:10 
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       RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 19:26 
        RE: UPDATE new Falcon060 03-11-2008 20:11 
         RE: UPDATE new Peter 03-11-2008 20:42 
          RE: UPDATE new FatRakoon 03-12-2008 03:56 
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   CURED? Im touching wood new FatRakoon 03-16-2008 23:56 
    RE: CURED? Im touching wood new Peter 03-17-2008 10:27 
     RE: CURED? Im touching wood new FatRakoon 03-17-2008 13:50 
      UPDATE : GOOD NEWS ( ? ) new FatRakoon 03-20-2008 01:50 
       RE: UPDATE : GOOD NEWS ( ? ) new Miro Kropacek 03-20-2008 10:56 
        RE: UPDATE : GOOD NEWS ( ? ) new Falcon060 03-20-2008 18:01 
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   RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-20-2008 19:21 
    RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-20-2008 21:28 
    RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-20-2008 21:33 
     RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-21-2008 00:29 
      RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-21-2008 10:40 
       RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues?  FatRakoon 03-21-2008 13:34 
        RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new Peter 03-21-2008 15:18 
         RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-21-2008 20:01 
          RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new dj 03-22-2008 17:35 
           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-22-2008 18:59 
           RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-22-2008 21:48 
            RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new dj 03-23-2008 01:18 
             KitKat new FatRakoon 03-23-2008 06:02 
            RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new lp 03-23-2008 03:15 
             RE: Falcon + CT63 Still with issues? new FatRakoon 03-23-2008 05:57 

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