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 Subject: RE: Flakey Falcon
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   03-25-2008 01:52

Silly question, but did they both go at the same time... and if so... How do you know the IDE Has gone too?
How do you know its the IDE and VIDEO alone? maybe the Falcon just died totally?

Suggestion, but if they did, or have gone at roughly the same time, then its very likely that the issues are linked.

Quite possible that the PSU is the one to blame perhaps?

If its anything to go by, test your PSU... Take it out and have a play... There is a bundle of wires in there, but only 3 are actually coming from the PSU itself... 12v 5v and Ground. so make sure that all the tabs in the connection are properly making contact to the Falcons pins.

Disconnect anything and everythign that you dont need... Including the HD. At the end of the day, the Falcon is the important bit not the HD. ( Apart from the Data I know, but ... )

So, in the Falcon take the HD, the Floppy and the Keyboard off just to see if the basic machine will go.
The RAM can also stop it starting too, so even try without the RAM... You iwll IIRC just get a white screen, but at least that will verify the Video is working, but also will probably point to the RAM being the issue after all?

Some info to go on there for you, some useful, some not so.

But I have to second that peice of solid gold already provided to you and that is, that putting a CT63 into it now will be a complete waste of time.

As an afterthought, but have you tried the CT63 or not?

I am wondering if maybe you tried it, had issues and are tryign to revert the Falcon back to stock? - if so, then have you put the Jumper back on right?

Have you plugged the PSU in properly?

Enough enough, Im waffling again!

 Topics Author  Date
  Flakey Falcon new Brian Van Tilborg 03-24-2008 20:42 
   RE: Flakey Falcon new stimpy 03-24-2008 21:31 
   RE: Flakey Falcon  FatRakoon 03-25-2008 01:52 
    RE: Flakey Falcon new Brian Van Tilborg 03-27-2008 20:14 
   RE: Flakey Falcon new PeP 03-25-2008 10:35 
    RE: Flakey Falcon new FatRakoon 03-25-2008 16:48 
     RE: Flakey Falcon new Brian Van Tilborg 04-09-2008 16:22 
      RE: Flakey Falcon new FatRakoon 04-10-2008 16:27 
       RE: Flakey Falcon new Brian Van Tilborg 04-15-2008 01:38 
        RE: Flakey Falcon new Christos 04-16-2008 02:22 
    RE: Flakey Falcon new lp060 03-28-2008 18:27 

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