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Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   04-22-2008 03:37

I have a Syquest 270MB unit.

On mine however, the little slidy-locky-bit has lost the plasticy bit on the top of it... Its a bit awkward to lock in now, and yes, it can often click in, but once its in, its in.

Funnily enough, I also got the Syquest 44 too, and this is a 5.25" drive, unlike the 270 which is 3.5" but it has one bonus... Its rock solid, reliable and works like a charm.

In fact, for several years I had it dumped ina box and only found it again fairly recently and I still dont know why I bothered to re-try it, but Im glad I did.

anyway, HD issues...

On my Falcon I cannot coment at all really... IDe is fine but SCSI is finicky and until I cure the issues there, I cannot say anything, but my TT on the other hand is absolutely rock solid and I have never in all teh eyars of owning it had a single issue at all.

My HDs are setup as simply as I can...

The Internal HD whic hused to be a 270MB for the C: Drive only was itself terminated... This then let me do anything Iwanted to in the AT Case and nothing there was terminated at all...

I have however swapped the 270 for a 4GB, and this is again terminated, freeing up the Externals from worry of termination.

This has worked for the TT perfectly.

The use of a 4GB is NOT recommended however... I am using a 540w PC PSU adapted into the TT so I think thats fine, but although the stock PSU handled it fine for a while I was not comfy with it.

Are you using the same device for the Falcon as you are for the TT with the External HDs?

Its possible that the Drives might have developed bad sectors?
Its also possible, that the Drives might be shutting themselves down and when you click on tey icon, they should be coming back to life? - this can be set wit ha jumper on some drives? - I know some of mine can, but I also know that some of my bigger Drives do it and the Atari does not like it on some drives and so they can be a real pain in the bum.

In all honesty, I think the Atari is best suited for smaller HDs of around a 1GB or less that stay spinning.

What model HD or HDs are you using?

Another issue I have found with HDs, CDROMS and the like, is tha tthe MOLEX ( The power ) connector can simply be worn slightly. Try closing the hole so they clasp the pins a ittle better, make sure thet they are clean and free from grime, and rust even, you might simply not be gettign a clean power supply.

And if you are running any fans off the same cable as the HDs, take them off... Iffy fans can do all kinds of sillyness with the supply, so if oyu can, put them on another line.

As is best in such cases try and get one drive to run on its own and then add another and another until you hit a problem and then try to go back a step.

Somethign to work on there I hope. probably not.

Let us know how you get on.

 Topics Author  Date
  HARD DRIVES new Brian Van Tilborg 04-21-2008 18:52 
   RE: HARD DRIVES  FatRakoon 04-22-2008 03:37 

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