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 Subject: RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   05-03-2008 18:27

>>Hi all,

Ok, I can relate to much of what you are saying, but I have gotten through most of my issues with help and patience and more help.

What you are experiencing is mostly easy to solve.

>>After years of being a Magic user I finally took the plunge and installed the latest Easymint package (the lure of a new web browser and Ethernat proved to much) on my CT60 Falcon and frankly it's just doing my nut in at the moment!

I too have been a Magic user. Still am, and Magic is still my main O/S but I have instaleld MiNT on both the Falcon060 and the TT030 and it has bee na wonderful experience compared to the last time, and MiNT has evolved much further than I had thought it could have.

New Browser? - Are you maning Highwire? - this also works just as well with Magic.

Ethernat? - This too, is also available for Magic.

>>I have problems renaming things (especially in the auto folder).

Im sorry, but I have no issues at all in renaming files, although MiNT does protect files. You can try 2 options...
1 - To boot up in normal TOS
2 - Use the MiNTNP.PRG to start Mint so it does not try locking the files.

>There's an annoying flashing 'cursor' block in the top corner of the screen left on screen which I have to change resolution to get rid of.

I get that too! - Res change will get rid will it? I cannot change res at all, so you are one up on me there

>>Where do I put FVDI to run it, it crashes in the autofolder or ends up in a corrupted screen (I take it NVDI doesn't work?).

NVDI Works fine. Try simply reinstalling it.

>>desktop is as slow as toffee
>>Should it really be this slow?

Not once you get NVDI on it no, but even without, it should be fairly nippy anyway.

>>Lots of my programs don't run, ST Zip being a highly irritating casualty (not even the ttp program functions), how am I meant to unzip anything? Is that Bzip ttp program for normal zips?

I ahve not used STSIP for yearsm same with LZH... I used to use STZIP, but its no good for long filenames and in my search years ag ofor a good Archiver that does long filenames, I found LZH was best suited for me, as this did long filenames, was fast and very multitasking friendly, and more importantly, I use a TTP version that is fully Drag&Drop capable.
However, of course, ZIP is a vital necessity for any computer user, so I have found a couple of good options...

I dont have a clue as to where I got them from, but definitely worth looking around as there are many flavours of ZIP and UNZIP programs out there.

I will be more than happy to EMail you a copy of the ones I use and they are good in MiNT, Magic, TOS, on a stock Falcon or the CT63 - all just fine.

>>On my LNX partition there are a load of folders with files in, most of which mean nothing to me, can I just shift these into a folder somewhere out the way?
Why are most of the programs TTP BTW? are there any GEM style shells for any of them?

No, leave them there.
MiNT will use them yes, and as TTP programs, they will get called upon when needed... you do know what TTP Programs are dont you?

My opinion is that the LNX or RAW partition should be put at the back. I myself have used my partitions and disks in a specific way and this has worked perfectly no matter whether I use TOS or Magic, or indeed MiNT, but to have a partition that only works in one and not in others stuffed in the middle is completely alien to me.

So, I have my LNX partition seen as M:

>>I can't access the larger (+1 gig) partitions on my SCSI hard drive (HD Driver 7 PC compatible formatted), Mint complains of the sector size being to small. The partitions worked fine under magic.

I can only assume that you have partitioned them wrongly? - When I partitioned larger drives, I have selected TOS+WINDOWS Compatible, not just PC.
Also, for FAT32 partitions, I have used a PC to actualyl write the partitions out, especially if I need to havbe the drive in a PC at any stage, so, my 4GB ARCHIVE drive is FAT32 Done on a PC and I can access it just fine... FAT32 on the Atari wont read on a PC?

>>Sorry this isn't meant to sound like Mint bashing (I really am trying to like it honest!), it's just a bit hardcore compared to GEM, MultiTOS or Magic! ;-)
I'm sure these are just silly things and someone will be able to point out my mistakes, but at the moment I'm missing my Magic/Jinnee/NVDI setup a bit. The last time I used Mint was on my Milan, in a basic Mint/NAES setup, which I eventually abandoned because it was too slow, half in German and was less compatible than Magic Milan.
My current setup consists of a CT60 falcon with plenty of ram, HD Driver 7, Mint040, Xaaes and Teradesk. At the moment nothing else is on there.. due to the zip and hard drive issues.

HAHA, this is EXACTLY what I have just gone through.

Truth be told but I still have hates for MiNT and I am still in love with Magic for many reasons as you will know many of them, its just so much easier and quicker to get things done, but trust me mate, once you start to accept MiNT and you get used to its little ways, you will find that its really got a lot to offer.

I myself am not ready to fully take the MiNT plunge because it has nothing at this time to offer me that Magic does not already provide, but my Falcon/CT63 is off to Rodolphe for some tweaks and tunes, and once its back, its getting the CT-PCI treatment, Ethernet, USB, and...MiNT.

I currently have MiNT on my TT too, and its running sweet as a nut, I have to admit, but like you, I am loathed to have used a Desktop like Jinnee and having to drop back to TeraDesk or Thing is very crippling, so unless I can get Jinnee running properly on MiNT, I cannot see myself sticking to MiNT that long ( This is on the TT of course )

 Topics Author  Date
  Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 16:34 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk  FatRakoon 05-03-2008 18:27 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 19:43 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-04-2008 12:01 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:25 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-04-2008 18:35 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:47 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:43 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Instream 05-05-2008 19:52 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-03-2008 19:03 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-03-2008 19:06 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 19:46 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:55 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:47 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 10:32 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 14:59 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-04-2008 02:16 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:17 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:45 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:48 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-05-2008 09:56 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 13:51 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 18:53 
         RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 19:30 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Miro Kropacek 05-04-2008 13:28 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:16 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:49 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:46 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-05-2008 10:04 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:57 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 15:23 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 18:56 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 20:38 

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