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 Subject: RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk
Author: Zogging Hell (
Date:   05-03-2008 19:43

Thanks for the reply.
I had thought renaming Mint040.prg to mintnp.prg simply turned off the memory protection, and as mine seemed to be off anyway I hadn't thought of that I'll give it a try. Edit. No, no difference, it still won't let me edit file names or run ttp programs. It's got to be some obscure setting in some text file somewhere. Odd.
I got round my zip issue by re-booting in single tos and running my usual zip prgs from there (I'd forgotten ST Zip doesn't work on the CT60 full stop, but the ttp prg always did). I understand it's a bit long in the tooth, but virtually everything I use is packed in zip rather than cleverer methods such as gzip. If you could mail me your zip prgs that would be good though.
As for the Ethernat afaik the drivers only work under Mint which is a bit of a shame. I wanted to use Ethernat to connect to my ASDL internet connection and then use Links for a bit of websurfing, so this was the reason I turned to Mint.
Installing NVDI got rid of my flashing cursor issue. However...
I installed Thing (I've always had a soft spot for Teradesk, but those colour icons are painful) which now has slight screen corruption in the menu bar. Oh dear. I'm using 1.27e which I'm not entirely sure is the latest version so maybe that's it. NVDI does seem to have made it more responsive however.
Under Teradesk I change res by switching to Xaaes and then using that to change. This doesn't work under Thing unfortunately, and the option to shut down seems to have disappeared from Xaaes menu now I've switched to Thing as well.
Hhhmm I'm not sure about the SCSI drive. The first partition is under 500mb and is readable from Mint despite being partitioned the same way as the others which are over 1gig.
I found some references to the files on my LNX partition in the Mint.cnf file so I can't really move them without some editing. It's a bit of a shame this file layout is forced on you really. It would have been nicer tucked into a single folder, so if you don't want to see it, it's out the way.

 Topics Author  Date
  Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 16:34 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-03-2008 18:27 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk  Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 19:43 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-04-2008 12:01 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:25 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-04-2008 18:35 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:47 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:43 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Instream 05-05-2008 19:52 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-03-2008 19:03 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-03-2008 19:06 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 19:46 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:55 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:47 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 10:32 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 14:59 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-04-2008 02:16 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:17 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:45 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:48 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-05-2008 09:56 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 13:51 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 18:53 
         RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 19:30 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Miro Kropacek 05-04-2008 13:28 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:16 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:49 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:46 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-05-2008 10:04 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:57 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 15:23 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 18:56 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 20:38 

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