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 Subject: RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk
Author: Zogging Hell (
Date:   05-04-2008 17:25

True but I did want to use the ext2 partition for other stuff as well, it's just a matter of personal preference really, I prefer my system files tucked away like magic does by keeping it all in one folder (gemsys). Keeps things nice and tidy and you don't have to see them if you don't want to, rather than have a busy directory (lol I sound like an idiot!).
I will hopefully turn all/most of the partitions to LNX (bar the boot one), as I have always found the TOS FAT ones to get corrupted way to quickly for my liking (my one hatred of Magic).
Yep I'll probably just use the icons from Jinnee to replace the ones in Teradesk I'm just to lazy to reconfigure everything lol (been using a windoze box for too long I suspect ;-) )

 Topics Author  Date
  Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 16:34 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-03-2008 18:27 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 19:43 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-04-2008 12:01 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk  Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:25 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-04-2008 18:35 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:47 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:43 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Instream 05-05-2008 19:52 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-03-2008 19:03 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-03-2008 19:06 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 19:46 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:55 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:47 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 10:32 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 14:59 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-04-2008 02:16 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:17 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:45 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:48 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-05-2008 09:56 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 13:51 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 18:53 
         RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 19:30 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Miro Kropacek 05-04-2008 13:28 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:16 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:49 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:46 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-05-2008 10:04 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:57 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 15:23 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 18:56 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 20:38 

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