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 Subject: RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   05-05-2008 20:38

I cannot say about two in one.

What are you worried about the command line for?

Just drag & Drop!

Look mate...

you have a folder called "PICTURES"
Copy the LZH030.TTP into the same folder the "PICTURES" folder is ( Not into the PICTURES FOLDER but next to it )

Now, drag the PICTURES folder onto the LZH030.TTP.

If you have a TOS Windows program ( TOS2WIN ) the output of the Archiver will go there, and a few seconds ( Depending on the size ofthe folder of course ) later, you will have a new file in the directory called PICTURES.LZH

Bingo! - No command line problems

Now, I have set up the LZH Filetype to automatically open LZH030.TTP and for ZIP fiels to get opened up with UNZIP.TTP and so, if I doubleclick on a ZIP file or an LZH, the Terminal window opens up, tells me the blab and shortly afterwards, I have a new folder thats now teh extracted archive.

Absolutely no command line issues what-so-ever!

In the links I gave you, there is LZHSHELL which is the windowed version of the LZH archiver and this does long filenames, is magic and of course MiNT friendly, and in a seriously stupid bunch of tests I ran some time ago on my TT, the LZHSHELL and the LZH030.TTP Programs are both capable of having multiple archives open multiple times.

Or in a stupidly thick test, I had a load of LZH Files and I wanted them all extracting, so I highlighted the lot right-clicked and selected LZH.TTP ( Jinnee you can have multiple programs to open them up you see ) and a bunch of VT52 Terminal Windows opened up and they were all getting extracted.

Took 50 years mind you but it did it, and there was never any corruptions at all.

Plus, with LZH030.TTP, if I drag a folder to the TTP program it makes an archive right! - Well, lets just say that in a few days time, I have changed a file in the directory, or added a file, and I drag the folder back again to the TTP Program... It will update the LZH Archive, skipping the files its already added.

Nice touch.

 Topics Author  Date
  Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 16:34 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-03-2008 18:27 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 19:43 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-04-2008 12:01 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:25 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-04-2008 18:35 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:47 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:43 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Instream 05-05-2008 19:52 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-03-2008 19:03 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new J. F. Lemaire 05-03-2008 19:06 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-03-2008 19:46 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:55 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:47 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 10:32 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 14:59 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-04-2008 02:16 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:17 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:45 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:48 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-05-2008 09:56 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 13:51 
        RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 18:53 
         RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-05-2008 19:30 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Miro Kropacek 05-04-2008 13:28 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-04-2008 17:16 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:49 
      RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 01:46 
       RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new lp060 05-05-2008 10:04 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Cliff 05-04-2008 23:57 
   RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new FatRakoon 05-05-2008 15:23 
    RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk new Zogging Hell 05-05-2008 18:56 
     RE: Mint, Xaaes, Teradesk  FatRakoon 05-05-2008 20:38 

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