Author: jens (
Date: 12-07-2008 00:43
First of all:
Yes, you can use your Atari Cubase files on PC or Mac versions of Cubase.
I'm not certain about the possibility to do that with nowadays' versions, but I was able to just load .ALL files into Cubase SX some years ago.
Exporting ALL (complete Song) is better than ARR (Arrangment), as ARR does not capture all events.
As to how to get files onto a windows box:
I heard Gemulator does read Atari formatted drives - is that right?
Else it might be necessary to get your files onto hd formatted floppies by e.g. using an older PC with Win 9x and a reasonable floppy drive.
I remember using PaCifiST on my Win98se machine to directly access the floppy drive in an Atari way for copying the floppies' content onto my hard drive.
Nowadays I just use network to transfer files.
Greetins, Jens