Author: FatRakoon (
Date: 12-24-2008 14:58
My falcon has until now, been running compact flash
512MB for C: ( Which is about 495MB actually ) and an 8GB that has been split up to have D: to J:
with J: being a 4GB FAT32 and the rest are various flavours.
G: being my Music drive is now filling up and so my older work I have put onto F: ( My graphics partition ) and since I dont do much graphics I really decided that my G: should be bigger..
So, until now, I have been fine with my partitioning but now its now happening?
Well, yes, I have used BigDos, but get this...
I used BigDos in TOS mode to allow me access, it is NOT needed in MAGIC.
TOS can read partitions up to 2GB and I dont have a problem in TOS... Its just Magic?
Its very confusing.
I know that BIGDOS sometimes has a whine about some bytes that should be this or that and shall it change them...
I think that since its an empty drive at this time with all empty partitions, I might actualyl throw BIGDOS on and see what happens, but as I said... I had BigDos on there originally to allow TOS the access to big parttiions but its the other way round... TOS is fine and its magic that wont do it.