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 Subject: RE: looking for ST speech synthethizer
Author: Swede (
Date:   08-10-2000 10:59

The program is called STspeech.PRG or .TOS,
(we got both, theyīre almost identical)
and was a part of the arcade game called
"Naval Battle". Itīs task was to say:
"itīs your turn" and "You missed", over
and over, with a pretty cool robotic voice.

The best speech synt for the ST, however,
is called "Smoothtalker". Itīs like a text
editor where you can write or load texts
and edit them as will, and then let the
program read it all up, with options like
male or female voice, speed, pitch aso.

It doesnīt work on a Falcon, or Magicmac,
Weīve tried. But itīs OK on a STE with
TOS 2.06. One strange detail is that thereīs
no info whatsoever about the program, the
version or even the author...? No text file,
and no "info" menu. Kompletely anaonymous.

If you want, we can mail it to you...

The Swede of Flashlabs

 Topics Author  Date
  looking for ST speech synthethizer new antho007 08-10-2000 04:37 
   RE: looking for ST speech synthethizer new Reimund 08-10-2000 05:35 
    RE: looking for ST speech synthethizer new antho007 08-10-2000 07:52 
   RE: looking for ST speech synthethizer  Swede 08-10-2000 10:59 
    RE: looking for ST speech synthethizer new antho007 08-10-2000 22:42 
     RE: ???? .st? new Swede 08-12-2000 08:19 
      RE: ???? .st? new Mintboy 08-13-2000 06:36 
    RE: looking for ST speech synthethizer new Chris Crosskey 08-16-2000 00:24 

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