Author: FatRakoon (
Date: 03-30-2009 01:34
I did reply to this but then got called away before I could sent it... Got back and the wife was on her Ebay!!!
Ok, so... I ilwl put it as basic as it can get.
You have 2 types.
1 - Serial port ones
These are usually 1 or 3 Midiouts
2 - Parallel port ones
These are usually 8 but I have seen 4 and I have heard of 6 and 12 but never seen them.
In my honest opinion, the Serial port ones are close to useless.
I have both single port ones and 3 port ones and on both, when under heavy use, they tend to lose notes at an alarming rate.
This could be down to my ports mind you, or perhaps the expenders, but this has never happened on the Parallel jobs.
The Parallel ones are also powered too, while the Serial port ones are not. At least I have never seen it myself any other way.
Erm, to make one, its absolutely simple
Here you are :-
Go here
And have a look at the Serial port hacks, there is a couple of Midi out projects there...
I have built a few Single port jobs so if you need one, that works, let me know