Author: The Paranoid (
Date: 01-13-2010 22:04
Well, my intention is to assist you but that is terribly hard if i need to guess what you're actually saying. I hope you understand.
Next to that, i don't read any answers in your post to my questions, which make it close to impossible to understand your setup and therefore hard to assist you. I hope you understand.
Also, about 99.9% of all SCSI problems i have ever experienced resulted from bad termination so it was an obvious question to ask. I hope you understand.
So, even though i still don't have a clue what your setup looks like, i have searched a bit and try to sum up a few things to try:
1.) Run SCSI Tools or HDX, see what they come up with.
I found SCSI tools here ( and HDX here (
2.) I found a similar thread on Atari-Forum, perhaps they provide more suitable assistance than i do:
3.) This is what Chips'n Chips by Michael Ruge says:
To connect external peripherals, the internal resistor array (RPA01, RPA02 and RPA03) need to be removed. The last SCSI drive and _ONLY_ the last SCSI drive need to have terminal resistors either plugged in or activated.
4.) Another point about termination from Chips'n Chips:
The Atari TT does _NOT_provide supply voltage to Pin25 TermPWR, hence, all devices connected need to supply this themselves or an additional supply needs to be soldered to Pin25 through a 1N4001 diode (or Schottky 1N5817) plus a fuse (1A max).
Note: TermPWR is, as far as i remember, required by harddisks that only have a single jumper to activate/deactivate termination and no resistor array that can be plugged in/unplugged.
Finally, it's absolutely possible that your SCSI hostadapter is defective. Chips'n Chips lists a number of replacement parts, but that would be a bit too extensive here.
The Paranoid