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 Subject: RE: 1040STE upgrade
Author: Damion P Jones (
Date:   08-22-2000 12:52

This is a further to the other 2 replies I have just looked at.

For the STE, you should be careful with simms, you can almost get away with a lot of things, but you really need parity simms, and they should all be the same type. ( 1MB 30-pin and NOT 4MB ). Some simms will work, even for a while, but then all of a sudden, there may be problems.

Dont worry too much though, I am being a little over-cautious here, but it an issue that you need to keep in your head when doing it.

You cant use 1 or 3, because they have to be in pairs. However, there is a few PD Programs that do allow you to mix, and if you absolutely have to, then that will help, but with Simms being so cheap, its not worth bothering, and you might as well get all 4.

The Hard Drive issue.
Both didnt mention that there 2 types of Hard Disk you can get for the STE.


Its very important ( Well, no, its not really,but... ) that you consider which one to go for...

Its obvious, that you have no HD as things are, so, yes, I would recommend that you get an IDE controler, which one is irrelevant, as there are half a dozen I could name, but IDE Hard Disks are dirt cheap, and so are the CDROMS, but at a price!

I have found, that IDE drives are nothing short of shit, if you use them too much. I have given up with IDE altogether, and I use only SCSI on all 3 PC's, the Mac, and My Atari's

IDE can only use 2 Devices, ( master, and slave ) usually, this would be HD and CDROM.

If you chose SCSI, the parts are double the price, but, I have never had a failed Drive in my life!

As to termination, yes, you will need to have SCSI terminated, but some Drives have termination resistors on them, and some have a switch, depending on how you are going to have your drives, it might be better to buy an external one, which will set you back a fiver ( Dont be stupid by paying any more than a tenner though! )

SCSI can use up to 8 devices, and unlike IDE which are only HD or CDROM, if you needed to, you can plug up absolutely anything to a SCSI, such as printers / Scanners / networks ( As long as they are SCSI though! - dont try to re-wire anything of you will kill your STE and anything else electrical, or worse, yourself )

On the face of it then, you will need to consider what you are going to use!

I assume it will be IDE, one HD is great for most people, and you can use a CDROM, which is fantastic.

I am sure though, that if you do go for IDE, then you cannot boot up with the IDE Drive unless you have TOS 2.6. If this is the case, then the supplier of the controler will give you TOS 2 for nothing! - if they charge, tell them to piss off!

Abingdon Systhesis Projects do an IDE controler, and I am sure Chris will help you out with that!

You wont have that trouble with SCSI, but I would not recommend the ICD LINK. Go for the TOPLINK instead! : Its better allround ( Yes, I do have both ).

In the long run, there is no real difference to be honest!

What you are best off doing, is talking to a few companies, and getting their opinions, and writing down everything they tell you. including prices and things, and then deciding for yourself what you want to do!

The Upgrade Shop, System Solutions, Abingdon Synthesis Projects are my favourites, with A.S.P giving me totally impartial and disturbingly truthful answers, while S.S do seem a little bit "We want your money", and T.U.S are reliable.

For gods sake though,


The controler should be around £50
a Hard disk can be bought for a tenner,
and a CDROM for around £15 ( Dont get a fast one, cos the STE just wont read it )

Oh, and the software....
a good ( but slow ) PD one, is AHDI. but try to go for HD Driver. HD Driver can access pretty much any drive I throw at mine, and trust me, I have some weird ones! As for a CDROM, if you go for one! - the best software is ExtenDOS, but there are PD ones out there.

If you want me to tell you what you are best off doing, then EMAIL me direct.

And I will tell you the cheapest or the best way to get a HD onto your STE.

I cant do both!

 Topics Author  Date
  1040STE upgrade new Adrian Oboroc 08-21-2000 20:30 
   RE: 1040STE upgrade new Flash 08-21-2000 22:29 
   RE: 1040STE upgrade new Saif Ahmed 08-22-2000 10:37 
   RE: 1040STE upgrade  Damion P Jones 08-22-2000 12:52 
    RE: 1040STE upgrade new Chris Crosskey 08-23-2000 00:37 
    RE: 1040STE upgrade new David Guay 08-24-2000 01:07 

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