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 Subject: RE: asking about abstract atari areas
Author: Chris Crosskey (
Date:   08-23-2000 00:48

I too use a Falcon/ST set-up in my studio. THe Falcon runs Audiotracker (8-track D2D audio + FX) via a FAD2/2 audio interface and a JAMCLOCK cartridge (to give v high quality audio at CD frequency). It has been fitted with a 4.3Gb 3.5" IDE hard-drive (SoundPool stuff prefers IDE to SCSI) and I master onto CD using SoundPool CDRecorder Pro. The ST is a Mega STe running Cubase plus some useful little acc's and it has a Midex+ Midi expander to get the number of channels I need. It might be an old system (Cubase v2 is 11 years old, AT is about 4) but it does what I need reliably, it almost never crashes, it boots quickly and I understand everthign that happens during the boot process (both machines run NVDI for instance)....I can heartily recommend a Falcon as a digital audio workstation, and having seen some of the graphical stuff people have done with them I can't imagine that it would have problems on that side. My home machine is another Falcon, however it has been heavily modified (Nemesis accelerator, Eclipse 4Mb graphics card, big PC case, three hard-drives, CDROM, CDR and PD magneto-optical unit) does graphics beautifully as a display machine, and I use it for browsing and designing PCB's....I also use a couepl of ST's at home as test mules, games ,machines and for running things like an EPROM library for diy synthesiser builders.....

Snoopy wrote:
Milan II, Should be Falcon compatible on some level, I expect you should be able to run Cubase Audio & Logic Audio (last versions on atari 1995). I have used VST on a PC on a system specifically bought for Audio, It crashed, alot! My Ste Crashes maybe once in 4 years!
I currently am running a Falcon & Ste, and am deliberating whether to go Centurbe 060 or Milan II, I shall hope never to own a PC as my main system!

 Topics Author  Date
  asking about abstract atari areas new mesh 08-19-2000 15:06 
   RE: more about abstract atari areas new mesh 08-19-2000 15:30 
    RE: more about abstract atari areas new Flash 08-20-2000 01:51 
   RE: asking about abstract atari areas new David Barkin 08-20-2000 02:08 
    RE: asking about abstract atari areas new Snoopy 08-20-2000 05:02 
     RE: asking about abstract atari areas  Chris Crosskey 08-23-2000 00:48 

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