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 Subject: RE: dodgy keyboard
Author: Steve Stupple (
Date:   09-10-2000 10:08


I have replacement cups, keys, plungers and IC's if you get stuck:)

Don't go and do what I did the first time I took one to bits:) I accidentally knocked them off the supoort and I ended up removing the washer, carpet, cooker and anything that wasn't bolted down!!! just to find TWO rubber cups.

In the end I slowly mapped out the keys and where they ended up on the pcb, and there were already 2 cups missing as they weren't used. The pcb had 2 pads extra!!! What a bugger:)

It's possible that carbon or a film has built up upon the contact, I would find out and write down WHICH keys are at fault FIRST before you get down to the nitty gritty.

 Topics Author  Date
  dodgy keyboard new Steve 09-08-2000 22:20 
   RE: dodgy keyboard new Damion Jones 09-09-2000 07:53 
    RE: dodgy keyboard  Steve Stupple 09-10-2000 10:08 

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