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 Subject: new user - start here?
Author: Flash (
Date:   09-19-2000 01:44

Hi, another new ATARI user? Welcome to THE world, then :~D

Your Mega 4 was originally sold along with
another box, with the same colour, and just as
big as the computer housing. It contained a
harddrive, and was called Megafile 40 or 60.
(think there was a 20 too, but not sure)

When you start the computer, it must have
either a harddrive connected, OR a disk in the
diskdrive, to show up a icon on the screen.
Else thereīs nothing to open!

Now, you have a liīl "beginners problem" there:
The diskdrive in Your Mega is a DD ie 720 KB
drive, unable to read any other computers disk
format (as MAC 800 KB or peesee 1.44 MB)
than ATARIs own, without special programs.

There IS certain formatting programs, that will
let your Mega format disks with "dos" 720kb
format, to be used with both MAC and peesee.
then you can download software from internet
with the other machine, and put it on that disk,
for instant reading on the Mega. BUT, to do
that, you must find a ST disk first, with such a
program on it, see the problem? Iīm quite sure
that some nice ATARIst in your country would
snailmail such a disk to You, though.
(what IS your country, then?)
ECOPY, for example, would do it. Donīt forget
to click the "ibm-compatible" button, and You
will be OK.

I also picked up a Mega4 while ago, from a
company in my city. They had used it since
ī88, up to now, to run Calamus! It has a Viking
graphix card built-in, and came with a SM194
19" mono monitor, with the modest resolution
of 1280X960 pixels! I use it for PCB designing.
My Mega4 also had a Megafile 60, that I donīt
use since my Mega is hooked up to a network
along with some STEīs, a Falcon and some
alien machines... So, I could as well sell the
Megafile. I have reformatted it, and checked
it up, it doesnīt have one single bad sector.
Iīve filled this HD up with the best utilities,
HD tools, programs and even some games.

Could as well trade it for something fun :)
Please email me, if interested.

Now, HaVe FuN with Your Mega!!

 Topics Author  Date
  new user - where to start? new Chris 09-18-2000 17:28 
   RE: new user - where to start? new Elliot 09-18-2000 23:21 
   RE: new user - where to start? new Ben Hills 09-19-2000 01:20 
   new user - start here?  Flash 09-19-2000 01:44 
    RE: new user - start here? new Chris 09-19-2000 09:58 
     RE: new user - start here... new Flash 09-20-2000 03:00 
    RE: new user - start here? new Chris 09-21-2000 07:54 
     RE: new user - start here? new Elliot 09-21-2000 21:39 
     RE: new user - start here? new Flash 09-22-2000 07:42 

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