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 Subject: RE: new user - start here...
Author: Flash (
Date:   09-20-2000 03:00

Yep, thatīs a start...

Donīt know though, if you tried to start your
Mega WITH a good ST disk in the drive, since
you didnīt tell so ;) But if you did, and thereīs
still no icons, then, yep, your diskdrive is most
probably "dead". Happens just too often...

Now, a good advise, if you gonna change drive
should be to give the mega an 1.44 MB drive,
while youīre on it. I ripped out the diskdrive
from an ooold ī386, and putted it in my Mega,
and it now reads all disks; Falconīs, MACīs
and peeseeīs. And it still handles the famous
ATARI ST extended formats perfectly as well:)

Any cheap 1.44 MB drive will do, but check it
up first, that it DO have the microswitch that
tells the computer if the inserted disk is a 720
or 1.44 disk. Then you wonīt have to use a
manual switch, like I do with my Mega...
(some drives has LEDīs instead of microsw.)

You will need a little program in your AUTO-
folder, that changes the driveīs steprate, when
in 1.44 mode. And you will also need to make
one minor modification on the motherboard,
but thatīs "dead easy", Iīve done it to ca 25-30
ST(e)īs tru the years and it has never failed...
If you want, Iīll mail an complete description to
you, with pictures. Then you canīt go wrong.

OOPS, I almost forgot!! BEFORE anyone tries
this: Check on the floppycontroller chip on the
motherboard, (WD 1772) IF it has the text:
"02-02" printed on it!! If not, then forget all this.
It COULD, but most likely wonīt, handle it.

Good luck


 Topics Author  Date
  new user - where to start? new Chris 09-18-2000 17:28 
   RE: new user - where to start? new Elliot 09-18-2000 23:21 
   RE: new user - where to start? new Ben Hills 09-19-2000 01:20 
   new user - start here? new Flash 09-19-2000 01:44 
    RE: new user - start here? new Chris 09-19-2000 09:58 
     RE: new user - start here...  Flash 09-20-2000 03:00 
    RE: new user - start here? new Chris 09-21-2000 07:54 
     RE: new user - start here? new Elliot 09-21-2000 21:39 
     RE: new user - start here? new Flash 09-22-2000 07:42 

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