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 Subject: RE: QNX Realtime Platform
Author: Flash (
Date:   09-24-2000 05:14

Dear mr Buoma,

Please, You really donīt expect ME to read amiga mags, do you?
Well, I donīt. Ever. By the way, do YOU read ATARI mags?? ;-)

Just in case you didnīt notice: Around here, We talk Atari,
this wonderful platform, and itīs compatibles. :)
and Majority of us only gets the creeps from amiga...
If someone asked me, Iīd say amiga died with commodore inc.

OK, I know that thereīs no forums like this, aimed at the
peesee, but even if there was, would I go there and start
telling them about MINT or MAGIC? -I Donīt think so.

Since you ARE here, though, Iīll be happy to tell you some:
MAGIC is our multi-platform OS, that lets us run most Atari
softwares on both Atari-comatibles, MACīs and sadly, peesee.
It runs apps ten times faster on a 040 MAC than on the Falc,
but also ten times SLOWER on a 100MHZ 486 than on a 8MHZ ST.
Interested? Well, didnīt think so, either =D

Yes, I kinda liked what I was reading at that site, UNTIL
I realised it wonīt work with my Falcon, or any other TOS
compatible. Now, IF this OS was ported to work on Falcon,
Hades, Milan aso, THEN Iīd give it a second chanse, indeed.

AND, if you got in touch with mr Czuba, and offered him a
porting of that OS, for the PHENIX 260, lotsa people would
prolly send you flowers. That supercomputer was cancelled
because the guys who was writing the OS for it, suddenly
backed out.

Hey, go ahead and call me a fanatic, cos thatīs what I am ;-)
Being an ATARI fanatic is easy, when thereīs still no better
platform around, in Y2K. Go look into it, Youīll like it.

Just having fun, do the same

Flash @ Flashlabs, Sweden

 Topics Author  Date
  QNX Realtime Platform new Slash 09-22-2000 23:58 
   RE: QNX Realtime Platform new Flash 09-23-2000 01:10 
    RE: QNX Realtime Platform new Mike Bouma 09-23-2000 12:14 
     RE: QNX Realtime Platform  Flash 09-24-2000 05:14 
      RE: QNX Realtime Platform new Mike Bouma 09-24-2000 06:11 
   QNX RTP available now. new Mike Bouma 09-25-2000 08:39 

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