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 Subject: RE: 1040STE - RAM - Verify?
Author: Chris Crosskey (
Date:   09-27-2000 05:11

Umm...Damion, I've put tons of SIMM's , 2-chip, 3-chip, 8-chip, 9-chip with and without parity, speeds ranging from 120nS to 70nS and never had any problems with any of them. Any 1Mb SIMM's will work fine in an STe UNLESS it has SIPP's in it, in which case you'll need to remove them and find some 1Mb SIPP's (I have a set spare) or else add in some SIMM carriers and add SIMM's instead.....

The <Not-booting-after-memory-upgrade> thing is caused by not seating the memory properly normally, though there's an outside chance it'll be a dead SIMM (I've never found a dead one but I've managed the first problem on several occasions)....Be careful not to damage your SIMM sockets whilst removing the original memory, they are plastic, they are fragile and I've lost count of the broken ones I've seen...they don't help....


Damion Jones wrote:
Adding RAM to Atari's is, to some a simple task, but to others a bit of an iffy subject!

If you have ATARI SIMMS, then you are ok, but if you have got some PC simms, then you should be careful, as some can actually dammage your ST.

I think its to do with the SIMMS having to have a parity chip or something, but as long as it looks like its working, I should think that its ok!

Yes, the system checks the memory size instantly, and uses it accordingly.

I would advise a Memory Check Program though, that tests each bit of memory, to make sure its perfect, otherwise, you will definetely have trouble. Although again, some will say that I am being a bit too careful, and yes, I suppose I am, but I have lost more than one STE by adding slightly faulty Simms, and then the STE has blown on me a few weeks later! - so, why risk things when you dont need to?

I have a program that I had with my first upgrade ( when 512k to 1MB cost me £65 ) and its dead slow, but it does a (seemingly) th....

 Topics Author  Date
  1040STE - RAM - Verify? new J0nny 09-26-2000 11:19 
   RE: 1040STE - RAM - Verify? new Flash 09-26-2000 14:39 
    RE: 1040ST computer? new J.C 09-26-2000 17:55 
     RE: 1040ST computer? new Flash 09-27-2000 05:22 
   RE: 1040STE - RAM - Verify? new Damion Jones 09-26-2000 16:03 
    RE: 1040STE - RAM - Verify?  Chris Crosskey 09-27-2000 05:11 
    RE: 1040STE - RAM - Verify? new Flash 09-27-2000 05:30 
    RE: 1040STE - RAM - Verify? new Elliot 09-27-2000 21:37 

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