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 Subject: RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST
Author: Flash (
Date:   10-01-2000 22:03

hm, I only know of 881 and 882, are there any other FPUs around??

The card has itīs own videoRAM onboard, and can only show one resolution,
so I donīt think it would need further RAM? This SHOULD leave the Megaīs
entire internal RAM alone for apps, (but it donīt) but it also makes it
impossible to take snapshots of the screen because all snap progs Iīve
tried, takes their "pics" from the Megaīs original video RAM addresses,
So all I get is a all-white IMG! :( -Any chanse to re-direct, anyone?

Now, for the risks, (hehe) Youīd all scream if youīd seen all those crazy
and "risky" projects Weīve done around here! OK, Weīve fryed some chips
indeed, but if you dont try, how can you possibly know what works?? ;-)

We have some WILD projects going on! How about this CPU-card with FOUR
68030īs, (taken from trashed MACs) a 200MHZ quartz and some TTL to give
each 030 every fourth clockpulse? This could result in a "200MHZ 68030",
but again could as well fry a lot! -Exciting hobby, this. :)

Now, I canīt be alone in the world, having a Viking card? SOMEONE must
have some docīs!? I havenīt found anything on the Internet eather...

Flash @ Flashlabz-z-z

 Topics Author  Date
  Viking card in Mega4 ST new Flash 09-30-2000 22:13 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Chris Crosskey 10-01-2000 00:37 
    RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Flash 10-01-2000 01:02 
     RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Chris Crosskey 10-01-2000 04:38 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Damion Jones 10-01-2000 13:44 
    RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST  Flash 10-01-2000 22:03 
     RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new gurjit 10-02-2000 04:04 
      RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Damion 10-02-2000 11:57 
      DSP card in Mega4 ST new Flash 10-02-2000 19:22 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Jo Even Skarstein 10-03-2000 03:38 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new zappa 12-10-2000 02:25 

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