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 Subject: DSP card in Mega4 ST
Author: Flash (
Date:   10-02-2000 19:22

Hey, thanx alot, Gurjit.

Well, it IS possible to build a DSP card for the Mega, or even the STE, but
thereīs no softwares to use it with. Canīt use Falcon soft since you would
have to run TOS 4.04, and to do that, you would have to rebuild the entire
machine. See the problem? Sorry, but I doubt that people would start write
new softs for a DSP-Mega. BUT I agree, it WOULD be cool! (but very slow)

Our quad-030 card is certainly not meant to be used with a ST, or even the
Falcon, since non of them could use even the half of this cards potential.
Also the Falc is a 16 bit machine, though using a 32 bit CPU. And the
"Combel" chip (16 bit data/24 bit adr) can be accelerated from 16 MHZ up to
max ca 25 MHZ, not more. Now, thatīs no good for us, so weīre working on a
better motherboard, that also will have Motorolas new 1200 MIPS DSP!! :)
(check it out at:,1251,M98594,00.html)

Now, there ARE certain 16-bit DSPīs on Motorolas site, that could be used
with a ST or Mega. What about the ASM coders? Would they write softs for it?

Flash @ Flashlabz

 Topics Author  Date
  Viking card in Mega4 ST new Flash 09-30-2000 22:13 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Chris Crosskey 10-01-2000 00:37 
    RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Flash 10-01-2000 01:02 
     RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Chris Crosskey 10-01-2000 04:38 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Damion Jones 10-01-2000 13:44 
    RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Flash 10-01-2000 22:03 
     RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new gurjit 10-02-2000 04:04 
      RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Damion 10-02-2000 11:57 
      DSP card in Mega4 ST  Flash 10-02-2000 19:22 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new Jo Even Skarstein 10-03-2000 03:38 
   RE: Viking card in Mega4 ST new zappa 12-10-2000 02:25 

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