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 Subject: RE: PCI interface for ST/MegaST/TT
Author: Damion (
Date:   10-05-2000 12:02

Yes, I am all for seeing more PC hardware being done for the Atari range, but I doubt its as simple as all that! - dont forget, that the Milan etc, have been completely designed to allow for PCI, while the ST etc have not! - the whole idea may well be impossible - apart from that, just getting a PCI slot into an Atari would be a massive project in itself! -

However, its definetely possible with some lower end ISA cards, and its been done with some ( TSENG ET3000 & 4000 to name the ones I know of ) so why not make something out of one of those? - the display will be infinetely better than the standard Atari's can do ( Not Falcon though ) and I know we will all just love to have, even 640x480x256 if nothing else! - 800x600 will be better, and in 16 or more bitsm I for one, will be wetting myself at the thought of it

As long as its a fair price though...Which I think will have to be low!

Maybe whoever does get something done, then if they sell it for a ridiculously low price, then I just wonder...How many people will actually buy it?

Even if you're stuck to one Res, as long as its an improvement eh?

Actualy, mario has done / Is doing a graphics card, and from what I know, its fairly well spec'd too! - I'll have to get an update...

 Topics Author  Date
  PCI interface for ST/MegaST/TT new Gurjit Singh 10-05-2000 05:00 
   RE: PCI interface for ST/MegaST/TT  Damion 10-05-2000 12:02 
    RE: PCI interface for ST/MegaST/TT new Gurjit Singh 10-05-2000 23:47 
     RE: PCI interface for ST/MegaST/TT new Torbjörn J. 10-06-2000 09:37 
   RE: PCI interface for ST/MegaST/TT new Elliot 10-05-2000 23:46 
   RE: PCI interface for ST/MegaST/TT new F-labs crew 10-06-2000 01:05 

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