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 Subject: RE: SCSI port on the Falcon
Author: Damion (
Date:   10-07-2000 14:15

First, one thing that caught me out, was that I had the ID set the same on 2 HD's - so check that they are different.

Also, it should not make any difference, but see about setting the HD to ID 0, and the CD to anything other than it. I know HD Driver does not care what ID's they are.

The CD can be seen by the drivers you mentioned, but it cannot be used with them. You need ExtenDOS, MetaDos etc to do that, so dont worry when you cant get at it.

It is also possible, that the cables are bust too, although I seriously doubt it, or maybe even the terminators are knackered! - I have tons of drives, that give me crap because of this, and they wont work on their own!

Also, make sure that you have plugged in the ribbon cable the right way!

Some connectors dont have the little tab thingy, so check that out.

Also cables usualy have a mark down one side, which is pin 1, the mark is usually a red line, this will go to the side that the power connector is on in most cases.

 Topics Author  Date
  SCSI port on the Falcon new ACSI 10-07-2000 12:04 
   RE: SCSI port on the Falcon  Damion 10-07-2000 14:15 
   RE: SCSI port on the Falcon new Chris Crosskey 10-09-2000 00:46 
    RE: SCSI port on the Falcon new Flash 10-09-2000 08:46 
     RE: SCSI port on the Falcon new David Guay 10-09-2000 14:03 

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