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 Subject: RE: ST type things
Author: Flash (
Date:   10-09-2000 11:25

Dunno bout eBay, gimme the adr and Iīll check it out. ;)

Happens now and then, that people try to sell Atari stuff here on the phorum, maybe you could try a request for a LINK, in a new topic?
Wonīt hurt, anyway...

Found out that the ooold STīs has the same kind of power connector as the 8-bit thingys has, so I tried with the power supply from my 130XE. Works fine, and Atari was kind enough to print the pin configuration on the supply! (though the XE wont let the supply go permanently)

An ST without an internal drive doesnīt need 12 volts, leaving only 5V and GND to be connected. Easiest is to solder the 5V wire directly to the power switch, thatīs what I did.The switch has three pins, solder the wire to the pin in the middle, and solder the GROUND wire to the groundplane.

I tried it with an old Megafile, and the oold machine recognized the HD even FASTER than the Mega itself does. Tried with LINK/SCSI drive too, and hey, this is fast!

I was wrong about the need for TOS 2.06, but I think Iīll burn those EPROMS anyway, cos I want swedish menus :)

Whatīs next?? Cutting out those ugly RAM chips, and plonk in an 8MB 72-pin, maybe? (hey, guys, please donīt bomb me with emails now. It IS indeed VERY possible, Iīve done it to a friendīs STFM :) Itīs alot of work, though...

NOW, Iīm gonna DL that GEM thingy...



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           RE: ST type things new Jack 10-09-2000 15:18 
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    RE: ST type things new Elliot 10-08-2000 22:03 
   RE: ST type things new Matthias Jaap 10-09-2000 01:50 

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