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 Subject: RE: STe Memory limits
Author: Flash (
Date:   10-29-2000 20:00

Hi Jack

Yes, the limit for ST-RAM is 14MB... In the Falcon!

The ST(E) can only adress 4MB due to a loasy MMU, which has too few adress lines. The ST range has a 24 bit adress bus, meaning it COULD hit 16MB, with a REAL MMU. :( But hey, when do you ever need more than 4MB in a ST anyway? ;)

BTW, they also discussed why you can´t use ONE 4MB SIMM instead of four 1MB. The answer is that the ST has a 16 bit DATA bus, and a 30 pin SIMM only has 8 bits, so you have to use at least two SIMMs.
(upper and lower byte)

Those old monster-harddrives are used in the Megafile series of ATARI HDs, but you can´t just hook such a drive onto the DMA port; there´s also a big interface card in the Megafile, to adapt the ACSI signals.

Good idea: use a SCSI drive, instead!
I replaced the old 60MB monster-drive in my Megafile, with an 540MB SCSI drive. It´s much faster, smaller, doesn´t get that hot, and it certainly doesn´t make such a noice, like that old "helicopter" drive did. It could be heared in my neighbour´s apartment, I went there and heared it myself... Anyway, the SCSI drive can´t be used with the Megafile card, I had to use a ICD LINK II host adapter...

Flash @ Flashlabs

 Topics Author  Date
  STe Memory limits new Jack 10-29-2000 13:57 
   RE: STe Memory limits  Flash 10-29-2000 20:00 
    RE: STe Memory limits new Jack 10-30-2000 15:51 
     RE: STe Memory limits new Flash 10-31-2000 21:54 
      RE: STe Memory limits new Jack 11-03-2000 17:38 
   RE: STe Memory limits new The Paranoid 10-29-2000 22:50 
   RE: STe Memory limits new Anders Eriksson 10-30-2000 05:25 
    RE: STe Memory limits new Torbjörn J. 10-30-2000 08:52 
     RE: STe Memory limits new Daniel Pettersson 10-31-2000 05:55 

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