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 Subject: RE: ZIP100's and scsi leads!
Author: Chris Crosskey (
Date:   10-31-2000 00:46

This will work if:

1) Everthing has different SCSI ID's, which leads us onto
2) You'll probably need a combination of a Link2, Link96 or Link97 and a recent version of HD-Driver because you'll need to be able to set the ST up as a busmastering device and assign it an ID that is different from the Akai....

This setup would also allow you to use Zero-X as a sample editor for your Akai and then transfer the samples over the SCSI bus......


trendannoyer wrote:
Now shootme if this sounds silly but
I have an STE with external scsi hard drive & 50 pin scsi conector
and a zip100 drive with a 25 way connector which is hooked up to an AKAI 3000xl
can I buy a 25->50 lead, connect the ATARI hard drive to the ZIP100 so that the ATARI will read the ZIP?
AND will the AKAI still be able to read the ZIP
or will I be picking bits of drive & sampler out of my face for weeks?
has ANYONE tried this OR want to sell me a free ZIPdrive & lead ;^p

 Topics Author  Date
  ZIP100's and scsi leads! new trendannoyer 10-30-2000 13:19 
   RE: ZIP100's and scsi leads!  Chris Crosskey 10-31-2000 00:46 
    RE: ZIP100's and scsi leads! new trendannoyer 10-31-2000 04:14 
    Change SCSI host ID?? new Flash 11-01-2000 01:40 
     RE: Change SCSI host ID?? new Anders riksson 11-01-2000 04:22 
      RE: Change SCSI host ID?? new Chris Crosskey 11-01-2000 05:11 
   RE: ZIP100's and scsi leads! new Liam Williams 11-02-2000 04:36 

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