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Author: Doctor Clu (
Date:   02-03-2000 01:32

I've been wanting to tinker with an amiga for sometime now, and I might get my chance soon.

All and all, I know you've heard this before, but the situation with the Amiga being harder to program, more expensive, and the little rich kid's toy was actually the same scenario for those of use with the Atari 8-bit machines (Jay Miner designed the Atari 8-bit and the Amiga)

So what made the Commodore 64 so great (simplistic design, easy to program...) was what made the ST so great as well.

I'm a huge Atari 8-bit fan, and I like the ST greatly. I like to toute the Atari banner and have fun with it. I think the main reason I didn't buy an Amiga years ago was....

1) It wasn't Atari
2) It was Commodore

Had Atari released it like they were originally planning, and if it were still in fairly well hopping by 1989 when I decided to upgrade after using an Atari 8-bit for eight years, then yeh, I would have been all over that.
Instead, I bought a Macintosh. A nice, staple machine with a couple of occational games that were fun. Not many however. Took a break from Apple in 1999 with the ST/STE/TT, and in 2000 I'm now back with the Atari 8-bits.

Amoungst it all, I have an ST as an addition to my 8-bit setup, and it aids the Atari 400 in getting things done.

Since the Atari 8-bit and Amiga are related in many ways, I would be curious to try it, just to see where the Jay Miner concept continued to. I'd like to see how they are similar, and what Jay did differently in the Amiga. I know adding a serial port was definately one of them.
And I could have sworn an RF connector was standard for Amigas on earlier models. (raised eyebrow).

Ah well.

Talk soon,

Doctor Clu

 Topics Author  Date
  AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Ragstaff 01-30-2000 18:00 
   RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Torbjörn J. 01-31-2000 09:37 
    RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Ragstaff 02-01-2000 23:36 
     RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP  Doctor Clu 02-03-2000 01:32 
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    RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Lord CB 07-23-2000 03:19 
     RE: AMIGAS ARE CRAP new Shalroth 07-24-2000 03:47 

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