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 Subject: RE: New Atari computer??
Author: Dan (
Date:   11-29-2000 08:06

I just picked up an email (see fr.comp.sys.atari) concerning the new Atari computer:

"I am sure these news may be very surprising for you, but they are
definitely true:

Even though everything seems buried, the Atari-community has a great
chance of getting a new, up-to-date super-computer within only a few
months!!! A computer company standing very close to the TOS-market is
extremely interested in releasing a new machine that can bring us
Atarians back to present computing life - not only in terms of speed.
This company has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Milan/Axro but wants to
remain anonymous for the moment. All announcements concerning this
machine will be coming from my side.

BUT: The release of this machine depends on the support of the
users/developpers and will NOT take place unless it is clear that AT
LEAST 500 units are going to be sold.

I have prepared a poll to be carried out via e-mail for the
German-speaking users. This poll is going to start on a new, special
website within the next few weeks.
As response is not only expected from European countries but from all
over the world, I would ask you if you are interested in also carrying
out this specific poll among the French readers/users and deliver the
results/answers to my address after a period of about 3 weeks.

If you should not be in a position to conduct such a poll via e-mail,
maybe you know someone else who is.

This may sound somewhat mysterious for the moment, but it could be the
last chance to save the dying Atari-world. As I have information
directly from the up-and-coming manufacturer, I believe in the success
of this project - especially now that Milan have cancelled their

I would be very pleased to hear from you soon.
Best wishes, U.d.C. from Germany"

Well, what about that !


 Topics Author  Date
  New Atari computer?? new Gurjit 11-26-2000 03:15 
   RE: New Atari computer?? new Dan 11-26-2000 04:38 
   RE: New Atari computer?? new Keith ST 11-26-2000 13:55 
   RE: New Atari computer?? new DjS 11-26-2000 22:47 
    RE: New Atari computer?? new David Barkin 11-27-2000 17:00 
     RE: New Atari computer?? new DRG 11-28-2000 13:03 
      RE: New Atari computer??  Dan 11-29-2000 08:06 
       RE: New Atari computer?? new trendannoyer 12-01-2000 07:43 
        ST Monitor --> Pc Monitor new BenX 12-01-2000 07:55 
         RE: ST Monitor --> Pc Monitor new acsi 12-01-2000 09:22 
        RE: New Atari computer?? new Dan 12-01-2000 09:42 
   RE: New Atari computer?? new olivier landemarre 12-04-2000 20:38 

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