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 Subject: RE: Falcon SCSI problems
Author: mark Bedingfield (
Date:   12-12-2000 14:18

I would have said install a timing patch, but CT2 is installed so you don't need it. There are a few question's that need answering first, 1: is the cable new because you suspected the old one or is it the only one you have? 2: Is the drive terminated? 3: Has the drive worked reliably before hand? 4: does the computer get moved alot? 5: what hard disk driver do you use? 6: Does it work under tos 7.04 and 4.04?

Probably easier to e-mail me with these, and we can fix the problem.


 Topics Author  Date
  Falcon SCSI problems new Fredrik 12-11-2000 04:08 
   RE: Falcon SCSI problems  mark Bedingfield 12-12-2000 14:18 
    RE: Falcon SCSI problems new Fredrik 12-12-2000 21:47 
     RE: Falcon SCSI problems new mark Bedingfield 12-13-2000 10:27 
      RE: Falcon SCSI problems new Fredrik 12-13-2000 11:38 
       RE: Falcon SCSI problems new mark Bedingfield 12-13-2000 11:46 
        RE: Falcon SCSI problems new Fredrik 12-13-2000 23:01 
         RE: Falcon SCSI problems new Anders Eriksson 12-14-2000 04:55 
          RE: Falcon SCSI problems new Fredrik 12-14-2000 22:05 
         RE: Falcon SCSI problems new mark Bedingfield 12-14-2000 10:26 

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