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 Subject: RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff
Author: Matt Sheppard (
Date:   08-29-1999 12:54

You might want to try Telegames (in the UK), might be a bit cheaper to ship from the UK to Germany instead of from the US to Germany, let me know if you want some more details (I got loads of info from them when I bought my Jag)


Matthias wrote:
Hi there!

I own a Lynx I with only 5 Games :(

Who sells me another Lynx I or II with comlynx and cartridges?

thanks a lot
Matthias (Germany)

 Topics Author  Date
  Searching for Lynx Stuff new Matthias 06-10-1999 03:34 
   RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff new Zachary 06-21-1999 15:33 
   RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff new kaltar 06-23-1999 19:31 
    RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff new Gump 07-17-1999 12:33 
     RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff new Lloyd 07-18-1999 22:51 
     RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff new Lloyd 07-18-1999 22:51 
      RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff new Greg 07-22-1999 14:53 
   RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff new Zachary 06-23-1999 23:59 
   RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff  Matt Sheppard 08-29-1999 12:54 
   RE: Searching for Lynx Stuff new ~ 10-05-2000 14:01 

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