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 Subject: RE: Protar HD and Magic/HD Driver
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   12-17-2000 07:39

Earlier this morning, I phoned a mate, who has an STE with a Protar Drive, and Magic 3 - He is using HD-Driver 4, and he said that his system is running ok, and has been since he had it!

Maybe the review you saw, was much older? maybe there is incompatibilities, but he said there is not on his!

I always take reviews with a pinch of salt, because they can never fully give any softyware a true test can they? - they just run it, and if needed, give it a few re-tries, but never go through it fully...

...Maybe they missed some silly things like selecting the ICD compatibility radio button in the HD-Driver setup?

If you already have the stuff, why not test it out?

If you need a Hard Disk to borrow, in case you are worried about your files getting wrecked, then I will be happy to let you borrow one!

 Topics Author  Date
  Protar HD and Magic/HD Driver new Gurjit 12-16-2000 03:41 
   RE: Protar HD and Magic/HD Driver new Damion Jones 12-16-2000 08:06 
    RE: Protar HD and Magic/HD Driver new Gurjit 12-16-2000 18:19 
     RE: Protar HD and Magic/HD Driver  Damion Jones 12-17-2000 07:39 

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