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 Subject: RE: Falcon to peesee networking.
Author: Flash (
Date:   12-27-2000 03:49


I agree with you, floppys is a pain.

Atari claimed that the Falconīs LAN port is "Localtalk-compatible", so I have spent many hours trying to hook my Falc up to one of my MACīs, since no MAC have a real paralell port (for PARCP), but I canīt get it working... :-(
Seems to me that the LAN port is "compatible" with nothing at all. And even if I could get it working, people tell me it would be so painfully slow, so Iīd go right back to floppys again... (nothing like PARCP)

Fortunately, You can still get the latest PARCP, at this archive:

I use this version every day, and it RoCkS! My PARCP network now includes 1 FALCON, 1 MEGA4, 2x 1040 STE, and 2x winboxes. It also works super between two ATARIs, of course! (like Your Falcīs :-) Hm, do I hate Apple for not giviīn their MACīs a STandard Centronics paralell port??!!

Well, go get PARCP and have a HAPPY new year ;-D


 Topics Author  Date
  Falcon to PC networking? new alan bailey 12-26-2000 23:57 
   RE: Falcon to PC networking? new Fenix 12-27-2000 01:00 
   RE: Falcon to peesee networking.  Flash 12-27-2000 03:49 
    RE: Falcon to peesee networking. new alan bailey 12-27-2000 06:38 
     RE: Falcon to peesee networking. new alan bailey 12-27-2000 22:25 
      RE: Falcon to peesee networking. new Flash 12-27-2000 23:06 

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