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 Subject: RE: Milan & Linux
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   12-28-2000 13:44

Yes, actually, from what I could get running ( THATS RUNNING, NOT RUINNING LIKE I ORIGINALLY TYPED ) the Milan was faster!

This is mostly down to the fact, that I only had 32MB on the AMD, cos I built it up myself, so I am doing it as and when I can afford...Its now got 160MB and is running much, much faster...

The Milan also had a faster HD, and 64MB, so swapping was quicker as well, and this has now changed, but the AMD does not beat the Milan still.

As For what apps will run under M68K, this is a big issue, but you wll be surprised as to what will, and will not! - Most apps are designed just for Linux, and NOT for x86, so a bit of tampering might get them running.

Also you MUST remember, than M68K, being a debian linux, you wont get PRM's to work unless you convert them with ALIEN, and even them you still get trouble, but DEB stuff does not need any work.

Most of the apps I have, do in fact run straight off without ANY touching at all, and what I compared, was NETSCAPE 3.6 - That ran without anything doing, and so did WORD PERFECT by COREL, but I did get a few crashes with that.

Most of the silly little tools and utils also worked without problems too. DEB not PRM converts that is, although when I tried converting them under Mandrake, to DEB's and porting them over, a few seemed to work better, although again, not totally.

I think its all a bit of trial and error. Some will, some wont. You'll just have to see for yourself!

I was thinking about doing up a list of them, and I may still go for it, but with each app sometimes taking me a few hours until I give up, its not going to be a quick decision to do the stuff I have already tried.

 Topics Author  Date
  Milan & Linux new Damion Jones 12-21-2000 15:51 
   RE: Milan & Linux new reddish 12-26-2000 05:07 
    RE: Milan & Linux  Damion Jones 12-28-2000 13:44 
     RE: Milan & Linux new Ben Hills 01-02-2001 02:09 
      RE: Milan & Linux installation new Ari Laine 01-02-2001 04:11 
       RE: Milan & Linux installation new Damion Jones 01-02-2001 12:11 
      RE: Milan & Linux new Damion Jones 01-02-2001 12:08 

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