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 Subject: RE: Milan & Linux
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   01-02-2001 12:08

What? You want me to send you W.P over the net? - you ARE joking aren't you?
I will try to do up a CDROM though.... I have lots of stuff, on Atari, Linux and Bindow$ that I am getting sorted to CD, so I will try to get this done too!

It shouldnt take too much to convert it yourself, the sources are all Open anyway, so you can just compile it yourself!

 Topics Author  Date
  Milan & Linux new Damion Jones 12-21-2000 15:51 
   RE: Milan & Linux new reddish 12-26-2000 05:07 
    RE: Milan & Linux new Damion Jones 12-28-2000 13:44 
     RE: Milan & Linux new Ben Hills 01-02-2001 02:09 
      RE: Milan & Linux installation new Ari Laine 01-02-2001 04:11 
       RE: Milan & Linux installation new Damion Jones 01-02-2001 12:11 
      RE: Milan & Linux  Damion Jones 01-02-2001 12:08 

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