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 Subject: RE: ST Hard Drive problems
Author: Damion (
Date:   01-08-2001 14:15

I dont know where you live?

The chances are though, in the UK, that you will be charged more than it would cost, to buy a new Drive, so maybe what a good idea would be, is to buy a new Drive, but send this one off to see if anyone can recover the data for you!
In the uk, System Solutions may help, or, The Upgrade shop, but I think they are closed to ST's now... Not sure?

I notice, that you said it was a SCSI, sorry, but I didnt see that at first, until I checked your Mail.

Did the drive work, the last time you used it, and it does not now?, or have you done anything with it since? - Jumpers can be buggers on the ST's - My TT's original Fujitsu has 38 of the bloody things!

If it has just stopped working without being touched, then maybe it has gone a bit doo-lal?

Does it make a sound?
Try to listen above the Mega's fan for a seconf noise, coming from by the battery connection... Hopefully, it should make something of a noise, and if it does, have you tried a reset? - maybe the drive needs more time to boot?

Perhaps its just locked up with age? - I have a drive that did this before, and still does now, if I dont use it for anything over a week or two.

Try some other software, or even another Drive ( Dont try to write to the other drive though, your older software might cause trouble with the data ) - Check the jumpers are all connected properly, and definetely make sure, that the ID is set to 0, and that any terminating resistors ( Usually in a long line of pins - called SILs ( Single In-Line ) ) are properly seated - This will definetely cause trouble!

Any other than that, then maybe the bin is the next direction?

 Topics Author  Date
  ST Hard Drive problems new Stewart Gilray 01-06-2001 10:34 
   RE: ST Hard Drive problems new Damion Jones 01-06-2001 11:16 
   RE: ST Hard Drive problems  Damion 01-08-2001 14:15 

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