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 Subject: RE: Is the Coldfire really the future?
Author: LST of LaserForce (
Date:   01-11-2001 00:51

Hi David,

I don't know where I read this but I always thought it was 120 MHz... Nevermind,
Hades is really a fast machine (remember my previous when I talked about the
comparisons we made with a friend between his Hades060 and my Pentium200).
I don't especially believe in benchmarks, I really prefer to see the speed of a
computer while working, and then compare with another machine.

I've also read (today) that Apple has just announced that their new mobile
computer will run a G4 at 500 MHz, also featuring a nVidia GeForce2 MX video
board, and that their next desktop Mac will get a G4 at 733 MHz - both with the
new MacOS X (based on FreeBSD). I'd really like to see MagicMac running on
them, it could be interesting.

Moreover, I've read somewhere else that the Coldfire wasn't 100% compatible
with the 680x0 series, and that most programs will need to be recompiled to
work on a Coldfire... Where's the truth (the truth is out there , I know! ;-) ) ?

I still believe that 180 MHz looks slow today.. I know there's a project of making
a PCI card where up to 4 Coldfire could be embedded with their own RAM, and
this board is supposed to work into a Hades - the 68060 is just used as a
controller, all applications are executed by the Coldfires. Why not making a
parallel architecture? Most OSes are multitask/multithread, so it should'nt be a
real problem when developpers know how to make programs running in
multithread mode. I've also heard of a new OS - called NAOS - but I can't give
you anymore details since I don't know much more... It's actually in development
phase in France.

Cool idea, huh?

Thanks all for that interesting debate,

 Topics Author  Date
  Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-09-2001 06:14 
   RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Anders Eriksson 01-09-2001 07:16 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Tinman 01-09-2001 17:20 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-10-2001 02:12 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Stween 01-10-2001 10:27 
      RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Fenix 01-10-2001 19:48 
       RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-11-2001 01:03 
        RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Tinman 01-11-2001 06:29 
         RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? with MagiC new Omikronman 02-10-2001 09:40 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-10-2001 01:28 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Olivier Landemarre 01-12-2001 00:17 
   RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Elliot 01-10-2001 02:28 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Elliot 01-10-2001 03:16 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new David Barkin 01-10-2001 13:09 
      RE: Is the Coldfire really the future?  LST of LaserForce 01-11-2001 00:51 
       RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Olivier Landemarre 01-12-2001 00:22 
        RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-12-2001 00:36 
   RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Norman Feske 01-11-2001 07:28 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-12-2001 01:15 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new David Barkin 01-13-2001 11:08 
      RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-14-2001 21:19 
       RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new David Barkin 01-16-2001 11:40 
   RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-14-2001 21:31 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Tinman 01-16-2001 01:11 

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