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 Subject: RE: Is the Coldfire really the future?
Author: LST of LaserForce (
Date:   01-12-2001 01:15

Hi all,

I'm happy to see that I've initiated an interesting debate. In fact, I also prefer the
68k assembly language and processors but at work, I have to use a PC. That's
market reality. In my company, there's just one iMac and I already worked a bit
on it : well, I must say that it a slow machine (it's only the feeling I had when
opening an application, may be it comes from the OS). Most people who use
computers don't care about what's inside (most of them don't know what a CPU
is), but they believe only what they see : if a window needs 3 seconds to open,
whereas on another machine the windows is opened immediately, guess which
machine they choose... the one which "looks" faster. That's why most PC
manufacturers advertise on the so-called speed of their machine, showing in
huge letters the processor frequency.

Moreover, if I have bought a PC for my personnal use (PC means "Personal
Computer"), there are a few reasons :
- I needed it
- there was no Atari machine or clone in the store I've bought the PC (I mean it's
not as easy to buy a Milan or a Hades as a PC)
- it was less expensive than any other machine (I should have said "Mac" ), also
I've build it myself
- all "multimedia" extensions were included, for half the price of a Mac. I've got
all the drivers, and everything worked (ok, I had to install Windows and all apps,
but it's not difficult : install Linux and you'll see that Windows isn't too bad for
this. I'm ready for your tomatoes...)

I won't be banned from :-) )

In my opinion, whatever the hardware in the box, the goal is to run the applications
we like to work with. In this case, we like the apps which run on our Atari, and
personnaly this is why I also use MagicPC - and WinSTon to play Dungeon
Master (until the last 10 days when I get a PC version of DM - it's exactly the
same than the ST version with less crashes and faster disk accesses).

Well, what I'd like you to understand is that I'm still an Atari fan. I don't like PC
very much but I have to use them and they help me everyday. I'd really like to have
a powerful Atari, on which I could plug any hardware as easily as I do on my PC
today. That's all.

Thanks to all who participated to this thread, sorry for the ones I've hurt, and also
sorry for my not-very-good english (I hope you'll forgive me).


 Topics Author  Date
  Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-09-2001 06:14 
   RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Anders Eriksson 01-09-2001 07:16 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Tinman 01-09-2001 17:20 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-10-2001 02:12 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Stween 01-10-2001 10:27 
      RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Fenix 01-10-2001 19:48 
       RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-11-2001 01:03 
        RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Tinman 01-11-2001 06:29 
         RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? with MagiC new Omikronman 02-10-2001 09:40 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-10-2001 01:28 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Olivier Landemarre 01-12-2001 00:17 
   RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Elliot 01-10-2001 02:28 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Elliot 01-10-2001 03:16 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new David Barkin 01-10-2001 13:09 
      RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-11-2001 00:51 
       RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Olivier Landemarre 01-12-2001 00:22 
        RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-12-2001 00:36 
   RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Norman Feske 01-11-2001 07:28 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future?  LST of LaserForce 01-12-2001 01:15 
     RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new David Barkin 01-13-2001 11:08 
      RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-14-2001 21:19 
       RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new David Barkin 01-16-2001 11:40 
   RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new LST of LaserForce 01-14-2001 21:31 
    RE: Is the Coldfire really the future? new Tinman 01-16-2001 01:11 

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