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 Subject: RE: Archiver that uses LFN's
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   01-24-2001 09:13

I tell you something, that is really bugging me...

I have been having a good go at various different Archivers now, both with their own shells, and command-line versions, and I have found, that a good few of them work with Long Filenames, but not with the GEMmed shells!

Now, one way I did get success, was with PACSHELL, but only when I unarchived the original ZIP, that was created with Win95!

This isnt exactly what I was looking for was it?

I am still looking into it all, and I am seriously thinking of using pacshell, or maybe I will write my own shell for LZH ( Prefer LZH, and 99% of my ARChives are now this ) but I would really prefer a tried and tested reliable program, such as LZHSHELL - I have enough to type on Linux and I so am sick of command lines.

Oh, and on the second bit about VFAT vs Minix....

OOOHHH! - A bit touchy there are we? Not a magic fan I see

No, its not the "crappy" VFAT FileSystem off Magic that is the problem, because I have tried it under Mint & MultiTOS...

Oh, and as I feel a debate coming on, I am going to put my 10p's worth in...

I used to use MultiTOS, but then I got bored waiting for it to do anything, so I got Magic instead!


Take that in the fun it was intended to.

 Topics Author  Date
  Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-21-2001 06:22 
   RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-22-2001 01:21 
    RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-22-2001 08:49 
     RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-24-2001 07:14 
      RE: Archiver that uses LFN's  Damion Jones 01-24-2001 09:13 
       RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-25-2001 03:49 
        RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-25-2001 09:02 
         RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-25-2001 09:59 
          RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-25-2001 10:24 
           RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Vido 01-25-2001 20:38 

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