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 Subject: RE: Archiver that uses LFN's
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   01-25-2001 09:02

Oh, I am sorry if I have offended you.

This is NOT what I meant to do - I did say to take it with a bit of humour, but this was only with the MinixFS vs VFAT that you said about.

Maybe I have a problem in that I like to see... Not arguements, but strong debates about such things as these. I think its healthy, and it strengthens both sides. Maybe I should have shut up.

Anyway, It made no difference whether I used either FileSystem, and it returned exactly the same results, and I could NOT archive any LFNs just unarchive them! This was obviously only tested with ZIP's that I created on the PC.

I agree though, that we are getting no-where, but I thank you for your help all the same.

 Topics Author  Date
  Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-21-2001 06:22 
   RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-22-2001 01:21 
    RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-22-2001 08:49 
     RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-24-2001 07:14 
      RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-24-2001 09:13 
       RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-25-2001 03:49 
        RE: Archiver that uses LFN's  Damion Jones 01-25-2001 09:02 
         RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-25-2001 09:59 
          RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-25-2001 10:24 
           RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Vido 01-25-2001 20:38 

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