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 Subject: RE: Archiver that uses LFN's
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   01-25-2001 10:24

Yes, that's the same program I am using LZHSHELL 3.10 - But, I cannot do LFN's????

Now I am really getting annoyed!

Hey, I like your Desktop by the way!

I tell you what then. Lets call it a day shell we?

Its obviously something with the way I have my system setup. I dont see how, as the MiniX and VFAT Partitions are seperate, and under completel;y different systems arent they?

So, I will have to look closer to what I am doing.

I have noticed, that LZH Shell displays a long line when you arc/unarc and not a 8+3 to display any LFN's so, it is most likely able to ( As we both now know, it DOES do them )

Maybe I will get in touch with the programmer if I can.

Thanks a lot then.

take care.

 Topics Author  Date
  Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-21-2001 06:22 
   RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-22-2001 01:21 
    RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-22-2001 08:49 
     RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-24-2001 07:14 
      RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-24-2001 09:13 
       RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-25-2001 03:49 
        RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Damion Jones 01-25-2001 09:02 
         RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Anders Eriksson 01-25-2001 09:59 
          RE: Archiver that uses LFN's  Damion Jones 01-25-2001 10:24 
           RE: Archiver that uses LFN's new Vido 01-25-2001 20:38 

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