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 Subject: RE: ROM IMAGES
Author: Robert (
Date:   04-11-2001 19:25

You can find some roms on the internet. Just search on "Atari Jaguar roms" with google. Most sites are unreliable tough.

I think one way of reading Jaguar roms without disassembling the cartridge or build complex hardware is to use a modified Jaguar.
Just put a BJL (Behind Jaggi Lines) boot rom in your Jaguar and make the joystick->printer port cable. Write a little Jaguar program that reads the data from the jaguar cartridge and sends it to the PC.
I didn't tried this probably someone else already has.

The other way around must also work. Build a Jaguar cartridge with 4Mbyte of SRAM. Since the cartridge port has a 68000 R/W line it must be possible to download the data from your PC to the Jaguar and write it into the SRAM cartridge.

Is somebody out there who already tried this?

 Topics Author  Date
  ROM IMAGES new MC Laser / .tSCc. 04-11-2001 14:27 
   RE: ROM IMAGES  Robert 04-11-2001 19:25 
    RE: ROM IMAGES new Stone 04-12-2001 11:26 
   RE: ROM IMAGES new AlexHolland(Thalion Webshrine) 05-07-2001 01:29 
    RE: ROM IMAGES new Stone 05-08-2001 16:42 

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