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 Subject: RE: Jinnee crashes on second copy?
Author: Damion Jones (
Date:   02-02-2001 09:30

Actually, the 300 Fonts part, is only a joke!

I do have 130 though, and only take a second or so to check ( Or, not to check as I have it set to! )

I didnt know about naming a folder called "HIDE", so I will have a look at that one.

About Kobold 3.5

Isnt it typical, I fight to get the best system I have, and as soon as I think I have it, I find I am always missing something? - I am using 2.5

The only thing missing from my TT now then, is Kobold 3.5...

Oh, and I have decided to upgrade Magic to v6 cos I am fed up with all the hassles v5 is giving me! - No Background DMA / Jinnee crashes on copying...etc.etc.etc - there is quite a list actually, and its annoying.

Many thanks.


 Topics Author  Date
  Jinnee crashes on second copy? new Damion Jones 02-01-2001 12:13 
   RE: Jinnee crashes on second copy? new Lex van Sante 02-02-2001 08:26 
    RE: Jinnee crashes on second copy?  Damion Jones 02-02-2001 09:30 

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